Eligibility Criteria for each Volunteer Role

Peer Reviewer

  • Current or past employment with a COA-accredited organization; and
  • Ability to demonstrate experience in an accreditation, military or governmental evaluation process geared to improve human services; and
  • Previous experience with standards evaluation; and
  • A graduate degree in a human service discipline, or a non-human service degree and service management experience; and
  • At least five (5) years of continuing management and supervisory experience. This should include experience in budgeting, quality improvement, governance, or other administrative responsibilities; and
  • Expertise in at least five (5) COA service areas with a current resume supporting the areas of expertise; and
  • Recommendation letter from an active COA volunteer, Accreditation Commissioner or representative from one of COA’s Sponsoring or Supporting Organizations; and
  • A recent copy of your resume or CV which reflects the areas of expertise in relation to the standards.


Child and Youth Development Endorser (Includes early childhood education, after school and youth development programs)

  • Current or past employment with a COA-accredited organization; and
  • Ability to demonstrate experience in an accreditation, military or governmental evaluation process geared to improve human services; and
  • Previous experience as a COA Reviewer or other standards evaluation; and
  • Endorsers may be qualified to review Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs, or After School (ASP) and Youth Development (YD) program. Experience between these two groups is not interchangeable.
  • Those individuals who have experience and education meeting the qualifications for both types of programs may be dually qualified to review ECE, ASP and YD programs.
  • Bachelor's degree in a human service discipline, or a non-human service degree and at least three (3) years service experience; or an Associate's degree in a human service discipline, or a non-human service degree and at least four (4) years service experience. Service experience should be in a field providing direct services to children and youth, preferably an after school environment; and
  • Service experience should be in a field providing direct services to children and youth. For early childhood education, experience with or in an early childhood education environment is required. For after school and youth development, experience in either an after school or youth development environment would qualify you to review both after school and youth development programs; and
  • At least three (3) years of continuous management experience. This should include experience in budgeting, quality improvement, programming or other administrative responsibilities; and
  • Understanding of and experience with accreditation standards, systems and processes; and
  • In-depth knowledge of related programming, and at least three (3) years experience working in that environment; and
  • A recommendation letter from an active COA volunteer, Accreditation Commissioner or representative from one of COA’s Sponsoring or Supporting Organizations; and
  • A recent copy of your resume or CV.
Role Selection

Peer Reviewer Qualifications
Child and Youth Development Endorser Qualifications
Hague Evaluator Qualifications
Military and Family Readiness Reviewer Qualifications
Personal Information
Please provide your contact information below.

Contact Information
Note: This is the address to which occasional hard copy materials will be sent once you are approved to be a volunteer.

Professional Information
If you are not working for an organization, please enter "Unaffiliated" under Employer/Business Name and leave all address fields blank.